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Sister Girl Ext. 9211

Southern roots
for powerful &
immediate help

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    Advice Using Specific Divinatory Tools and Methods

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Since a young age, I have explored magical ideas and practices. Fascinated by divination and mysticism, I have begun formal study of spiritual, ritual, and herbal magic and have been practicing mostly to improve my life and those of my loved ones.

My African-American Southern roots gave me an instant recognition of Hoodoo and rootwork as a powerful and immediate tool to help myself and others with an emphasis on the use of candles and herbal magic.

I am now ready to share my gifts with others in the hope that I may be of some assistance.

I believe in working a situation for a while whenever possible, even if it will not go your way. I believe in this for a couple of reasons. The first reason: you may grow and change from the process of working on the situation and see the situation with more clarity no matter the outcome. The second reason: you may align yourself with having your wish fulfilled or your needs met from an unexpected source by doing the work simply because you have put energy into things coming to fruition.

That being said, there are certain types of work I will not do. I don't do break up work. If you need this type of service, there are other workers who would be glad to help you. I avoid doing harsh work as much as I can, but if harsh work is called for, my aim is to cause as little collateral damage as possible. Because the truth of the matter is, what goes around comes back around my friends. And that is a fact. My favorite work to do is prosperity and love work. I strive to recommend cost effective things that are not too complicated. I am really interested in hoodoo that can help us in our modern lives, like formulating an oil that can give us success with online dating, or work you can do to support your online business or work from home.

Good old fashioned spiritual baths are the thing I have found to be the most important and helpful thing I can recommend, and I have a real fondness for candle work. I'm always happy to light one to assist in a situation. Homemade room sprays and sprinkles are also quite effective in changing the energy in a space, and bringing in the condition that you want. Often a traditional mojo hand will be just what you need. And usually a card reading can show which work would be most effective.

There are certain situations that will take so much work that it would be counterproductive to start, and if I feel that is the case, I will let you know. When there are things I don't know how to do, I can recommend another member of the hoodoo community to help resolve a situation. However, I aim day by day to do more and more with the goal of bringing all good things into being.

My great hope is that in trying times and situations that I can be of assistance to you, and encourage you to get all the things you need, and some of the things you want.

You may read more about me at my Sister Girl Conjure web page.

R. Edmunds
September 3, 2024

Sister Girl stepped into my life at a challenging time. My household was filled with angry, bitter energy. It was becoming more & more unbearable to co-exist. Sister Girl consulted with my family, prescribed the proper ritual & within weeks the entity was compelled to evacuate, and my family was able to regain peace. I am convinced that without Sister Girl's work, the process of change would've been much messier & taken much longer. Thank you for helping me.

T. Garcia
September 3, 2024

Sister Girl has done wonderful work for me. She has made me mojo bags, money candles, as well as house cleanings to keep gossip out and a harmonious home. Everything Sister Girl has done for me has worked greatly and she's a great spiritualist and root worker.

J. Rich
September 3, 2024

I would like to thank Sister Girl for lighting candles for me and guiding the Gods to bless me with a full time job when I needed it most. I updated my resume and applied for a few openings in Jan. 2016 and I was working the first week in Feb. 2016.