Give Advice

HoodooPsychics  Advisor Resources

Create your listing - get a custom page on our site and an extension on our toll free line.

Free listings for random placement or promote yourself with a featured listing.

Send messages to potential and existing clients with a HoodooPsychics account.

Insert our simple code into your own website to show clients your availability and let them click to call you.

Provide your own graphics for your status indicators and click to call buttons to match the look of your website.

Keep track of your calls and earnings with our user friendly conrol panel.

When You Receive A Call

The automated system will announce that you have a call from "Your Company" and will then ask you to press 1 to accept the call. You can program a 5 digit secure "answer pin" from your control panel to be sure that you are the only one that can answer your call. This is great if you share a phone line.

Block Offensive Callers

You can block any callers number at anytime free of charge.

The System Can Be Configured To:

Set your business hours of operation.
Log on or off and change your availability status.
Set the maximum time allowed for each call up to 2 hours.
Charge for Per minute calls, flat rate calls or a combination.
Charge up to $9.99 per minute.
Set the flat rate up to $50 for a set amount of time and start charging by the minute after that.

Performance Tracking

Your online control panel includes a Call Stats interface that displays real-time call logs, including caller ID, time and date and call duration.

Availability Status

We provide you with a unique HTML code to insert into your website that will display our availability status indicators. When the available button is clicked, your Web-Call page opens in a new window. When you set your availability to take calls from your control panel, your Status Indicator buttons say:
When turned on.
When busy with another caller.
When turned off.

When the caller dials your extension by phone and you are unavailable, the system will tell the caller "Your party is unavailable, please try your call again later".

Identity Protection

You and your customers personal information is shielded by our secure line. There is no way for a caller to discover your caller ID or true identity.

Voice Verification

Your extension comes with our Voice Verification for fraud protection that will reduce chargebacks to less than 1 in 5000. After your caller enters their credit card information, they are asked to say their name as it appears on their credit card. Their spoken Verification is recorded and stored on our servers for 12 months with a time and date stamp.
Voice Verification can be extremely helpful when disputing a customer chargeback if one does occur.

Reliable Service!

Your Web Control Panel with all of your settings and files are maintained on a reliable system that's monitored 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. All the data is stored in a fast (replicated) database on our servers. It is also saved in real time onto a second backup drive. Each night, the data is saved again to another hard drive on a different server. We guarantee 99.99% uptime.

Connection Fees

20% of the total amount you charge your customers is the HoodooPsychics credit card billing fee.
5 ¢ per minute 800 number fee when your customer dials your extension and is waiting for your answer.
A total of 15 ¢ per minute 800 number fee once customer is connected with you.